Saturday, February 25, 2006

What are you doing this weekend?

ARBONNE: Products that are good for you inside and outside. Shop with me safely online at MyArbonne.
"We have to decide for ourselves what's nourishing to our souls, and do those things over others." -- Thomas Moore

From the Daily Guru. I thought this was wonderful:

We experience soul when we really connect with life -- when we stop and consciously experience what is happening.

We lose soul with:

- resistance - to anyone or anything
- superficiality - we avoid depth of experience
- control - we try to control the relationship
- selfishness - we remain self-centered.

Each of these attitudes fosters separation rather than connection. Once again, soul lives in relating.

Take time to become aware of, and perhaps journal on how you relate to other people and things in your life.
SEMIRAMIS now giving email readings. Tarot and psychic. Introductory offer - just $30. Email her at .

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