Monday, August 21, 2006

Professoinal Coaches Make 6 Figures - Growth Industry


News from that coaching is one of the "surprising" 6-figure jobs.

I would like to correct some of their comments.

1. "For anyone interested in white-collar work, consider one of the fastest growing career paths: the "professional coach." No, not the sports kind (who easily make six- and often seven-figure incomes), but those business and life coaches who try to provide a confidence lift to struggling entrepreneurs and aspiring novelists."

COMMENT: The thrust of the job is not to "provide a lift," and ... good coaches don't "try," they "DO"!

2. About 20% of the 10,000 registered coaches earn six-figure incomes, according to estimates from industry veterans.

COMMENT: And probably about 20% fail completely. One coach I talked with failed to make one cent in an entire year. If you want to be a coach, a good training program is important. That's why mine includes MARKETING, MARKETING MARKETING. ( for more information)

3. No special degree or training is required.

COMMENT: But many coaches are highly credentialed. Among those I've certified (all over the world, there are: an ordained minister preparing to create an EQ course for his seminary; a licensed counselor with an MA; a marketing expert with 20 years who also holds a Ph.D.; an MBA who owns his own consulting firm in Europe; and my own coach, years ago, who has a Ph.D. in psychology.

Furthermore credentialing schools exist, and many coaches do have credentials. I've trained dozens of coaches worldwide since starting my program. They know the value of credentials, and wanted to get the proper preparation.

4. And while some provide specific expertise, such as those hired by large companies to train a sales staff, others rake in money from those looking for little more than a cheerleader as they open a business or try their hand at writing a book.

COMMENT: Whoa! This from Forbes? "Little more than a cheerleader"? That's not who I coach, and not what I hear from the coaches I certify. Coaches work hard for their clients, tackling clients who want help with divorce, saving relationships, leadership, emotional intelligence, ADHD, recovery, depression, making marriage work, spirituality, diversity, job interview, career change, retirement, senior care, aging, wellness, weight loss. Many coaches turn around and coach what they know best. For instance if you were serious about losing weight and wanted a coach, which would you go to (1) a Ph.D. who has always been thin, or (2) a person who has managed to take off 85 lbs. and keep it off for over 5 years? Sometimes you have to have been there yourself, and that's one of the gifts of coaching.

Coaching is indeed exploding. And I don't think it would be if all coaches were doing was "raking in money from those looking for little more than a cheerleader."

5. Christian Mickelson, who started as a small-business coach in San Diego seven years ago ... says the key to six-figure success in coaching is finding a specialty and sticking with it.

COMMENT: Absolutely and Emotional Intelligence or Wellness (I certify both) are key growth areas. In the United States we have a nation of fat, depressed, stressed-out, divorcing people. It is not hard to connect the dots on that one. Any problem a client has is likely to hinge on their EQ ... because it can matters 7x as much as IQ.

IF YOU'D LIKE TO BE A COACH, EMAIL ME and I'll send you my introductory packet on my coach certification program. Or call me and we can talk about it.

My certification program is fast, affordable, comprehensive and entirely long-distance. Training coaches worldwide.

They do not give an accurate description of coaching

Turn off Your Computer 2 Hours Before Bed
Computers are quite stimulating, especially for ADDers. Oftentimes,
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