Thursday, November 09, 2006

Markus Wolf Dies in Berlin: A Man who Knew Emotional Intelligence

"Making use of human weaknesses in intelligence work is a logical matter. It keeps coming up, and of course you try to look at all the aspects that interest you in a human being." -- Markus (Marcus) Wolf

Markus Johannes "Mischa" Wolf who epitomized East German spying during the Cold war, died today in his home in Berlin.

He was head of the General Reconaissance Administration, the foreign intelligence division, of East Germany's Ministry for State Security (Stasi). According to Wikipedia, he was the Stasi's number two for 34 years, most of the Cold War. He ran a network of 4,000 spies and claimed responsiblity for the downfall of Chancellor Brandt.

We have here the sword and the shield of Emotional Intelligence. In the EQ Refresher course lesson this week, we're taking a look at Othello ... another case where someone's knowledge of human nature and human weakness was used to bring someone down. Othello refused to give the promotion to Iago, and the enraged Iago knew exactly how to do Othello in. He did so in a cold, logical calculating way, without ever laying a hand on him. (There isn't much about "human nature" Shakespeare didn't know.)

According to the BBC, Wolf was the model for John LeCarre's character "Karla". In his memoirs, Memoirs of a Spymaster, he claims to have "perfected the use of sex in spying." He was described as tall and incredibly handsome. See his photo here.

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