Sunday, November 19, 2006

Things Not to Do Your First Week at a New Job


Check out my article which is posted on this great job blogsite: .
The hardest thing to do is break into groups that are already formed. If you haven't been to a kindergarten classroom lately, go take a look at you'll see this principle in action. A group of kids is playing together and New Child tries to "break in" or get included. There's a real art to it. Some kids have it and some don't. This is Emotional Intelligence at work, and of course you can learn HOW to do it. If someone will just tell you! It's very overt in the kindergarten classroom and it happens often and rapidly, so it's easy to observe. Breaking into a high school clique is harder to observe and more subtle. It's also far more brutal. And then there's the new job and/or new neighborhood or town. It just doesn't get any easier. While learning Emotional Intelligence and the ploys that tend to work doesn't always guarantee success, there are thing you can do that will essentially guarantee you will fail. Read this article for tips on what not to do the first few weeks on a new job.
The frost is on the pumpkin! Are you taking a supplement to build up your immune system for the winter. Arbonne has a great one called DefenseBuilder Why don't you take a look at it? You can shop safely online with me at MyArbonne.
For EQ coaching, call 817-741-7223.

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