Thursday, May 31, 2007

Teamwork and Emotional Intelligence

Tom Heck's TeachMeTeamwork

To Heck's TeachMe Teamwork talks about emotional intelligence and leadership, featuring an interview Dr. Haydn Hasty.

"Leaders in the field of team and leadership development know the difference between a marginal leader and a great leader is often boiled down to one thing: Emotional Intelligence (EQ)," he writes.

Isn't it wonderful that the value of emotional intelligence is becoming validated. When I first read about the term, nearly 7 years ago, we jumped on it as "the missing piece," and "the wave of the future." I've been coaching and training emotional intelligence all over the world since that date.

It continues:

"Most have heard of IQ and too many people believe that a leader with a high IQ is what's going to save your team. Not even close. IQ won't save you. EQ will."

In the interview, he talks about the difference between IQ and EQ.

Important to remember however, that the two are not antithetical. It's not either/or. You need both. A low EQ can render a high IQ nearly worthless. I bet you can think of some examples all by yourself!!

If you'd like to improve your emotional intelligence, register for my EQ program. It's on the internet, self-paced, and highly effective.

Former student comment: "It changed my life."

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