Saturday, June 23, 2007

Corrections to LA Times Newspaper


Emotional Intelligence consists of many competencies. Common sense and reality-checking are the result of high emotional intelligence. How do you teach common sense --which is, as someone once said, not at all COMMON.

You will find your common sense and reality-testing increase when you take The EQ Course* and increase your emotional intelligence.

*[This course is college and post-grad level, and you must qualify to take it.]

Now take a look at the page of corrections from just one issue of the LA Times newspaper (see link above).

One example:

Deadbeat dad: An article in Friday's California section about a $311,491 child and spousal support payment quoted Los Angeles County child support services officials as saying that it was the largest ever in the United States. However, a spokesman for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Administration for Children and Families said Friday that there have been larger payments.

Here is another example:

For the record
Japanese translation: In an article about yakitori in last week's section, it was reported that yaki translated as skewers and tori as chicken. Actually, yaki means grilled and tori means bird.

So ... do you believe everything you read in the newspapers? Do you believe everything you hear on TV?

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