Thursday, July 19, 2007

Intuition - How to get it, how to use it, why to want it

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WHAT IS INTUITION - Get the book, Intuition and learn how to develop this important tool
When you trust yourself, you can trust your intuition.
1. quick and ready insight
2. immediate apprehension or cognition; knowledge or conviction gained by intuition; the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference
Also known as "gut feeling" or "gut instinct" it is a way of knowing without knowing how you know. It's knowledge "without evident rational thought." It does not preclude reason, but rather work with it.
Corporations are even hiring Intuitionists.

Call it what you will -- it's an Emotional Intelligence competency -- a powerful decision-making, problem-solving, insight-giving tool that helps us get along better in the world.
It is faster and more sure than reason. You must learn to sepate it out from wishful thinking and paranoia, however. As I say in my ebook, if you can't manage your 'fear' and 'desire,' you can't rely on your intuition, because it will be faulty. How do you tell? Managing the emotions and self-awareness are the beginning. Then we tell you what steps to follow and give many exercises, proven to improve your intuition. When you can trust yourself, you can trust your intuition.

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