Tuesday, June 10, 2008

How Do Doctors Think? How do YOU Think?

EQ ... it's The Missing Piece.
One of the values of The EQ Course(r) (Offered by Susan Dunn, M.A.) is that it teaches you HOW YOU THINK which is, of course, invaluable.

From Jerome Groopman's book, "How Doctors Think":

I had no ready answers to these questions, despite having trained in a well-regarded medical school and residency program, and having practiced clinical medicine for some thirty years. So I began to ask my colleagues for answers. Nearly all of the practicing physicians I queried were intrigued by the questions but confessed that they had never really thought about how they think. Then I searched the medical literature for studies of clinical thinking. I found a wealth of research that modeled "optimal" medical decision-making with complex mathematical formulas, but even the advocates of such formulas conceded that they rarely mirrored reality at the bedside or could be followed practically. I saw why I found it difficult to teach the trainees on rounds how to think. I also saw that I was not serving my own patients as well as I might. I felt that if I became more aware of my own way of thinking ...

EQ gives you a META skill. Don't miss out. It's the missing piece.
The EQ Course(r) on special until July 1 for $99 this month if you mention this blog offer. Email sdunn@susandunn.cc for more information. Course is on the Internet with email interaction.

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