Saturday, December 02, 2006

Christmas with Emotional Intelligence

It used to be the 3 of you against the world...................what happened?

You love them. Now learn how to get along with them for the holidays.

Take the How to Handle Difficult People course. Internet,unltd email. $79.99. Could be the best money you ever spent.


Imagine way back when in the time of myth, when there was no written history, people didn't live to count the passing of many seasons, and there wasn't much sense of "history" or "time." The Greeks invented the myth of Apollo drawing the sun across the sky each day so they could manage their fears that the each night the sun would disappear and never come back. They were dependent on the sun for everything and they went through this every day.

They invented the myth of Persephone to deal with the seasons. When winter came, and the days grew dark and cold, and all the vegetation died, on which their lives depended, there weren't that many people around who'd lived through enough seasons to be able to guarantee the winter wouldn't last goever. Persephone went down to Hades each fall, symbolizing this, and then would return to the land in the spring - and the world would rejoice with sun, warmth and new growth -- for food.

In this season as we gather to wait
in the darkness of winter nights
for Light to come,
may our hearts be filled with joy and promise.

We gather together at this time of the year, the Winter Solstice, and there is a holiday at this time of year for most cultures. Why? So we could gather with our kinfolk and relatives at Christmas and warm our toes at their fire.

If it's gotten a bit cold and dark for you, take the How to Handle Difficult People course and bring back the glow.

Learn how to stop the MADness. Harmful patterns in families run deep last a long time, and can be intensely annoying - unless someone quits doing what they've been doing. Then the whole system has to change.

Why not let it be you? GET YOURSELF MERRIED THIS YEAR.

Click here to register and pay for this interactive Internet course. ___________________________________________________________

Relationship Coaching with Susan Dunn

Attract the man of your dreams . Get him back. Get him to marry you instead of ... to schedule your coaching or call (817) 741-7223.
Susan is the "Attract the Man of Your Dreams" Expert for, and also the Step-Parenting Expert. We've got you covered! Merry Christmas!

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