Sunday, December 31, 2006

The End of Advertising


Common sense is one of the words subsumed under Emotional Intelligence. Like "maturity," it isn't easy to define, and it also carries judgmental qualities. So Emotional Intelligence talks about the components of emotional intelligence. What are some of the components of emotional intelligence that would allow a person to have good ole common sense? One is "intuition," or "gut feeling." Another is "good reality-testing."

So ... advertising IS dead. Haven't you noticed? Ah hah.
I caught an article the other day called "Embed Marketing in Products," by Mickey Alam Khan. He reports on the keynote address given at Forrester's Consumer Forum 2006 at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, by creative shop Crispin Porter + Bogusky CEO, which he said "raised the bar for ad agencies."
Mr. Hicks, who created great ads for Burger King, Volkswagen and Miller Brewing announced that, “We think the future of advertising is great products that have marketing embedded in them.”
How many ads do you see, for instance, for Starbucks?
I've never seen one at all. But didn't I just buy those cute cup Christmas tree ornaments and give them to all my friends who are Starbucks' frequenters?

They define the layers as: Advertising at the periphery, then layers of packaging and customer relationship management zeroing in on the target in the center: the product.
Perhaps you recall the viral campaign for Burger King called Subservient Chicken. At its peak, says Khan, the site was visited by 500,000 individuals who spent an average of 9 mins. on the site ordering the man-chicken to do their something. According to Kahn, "the campaign has received 18 million unique visitors and 450 million hits. Sessions today average 5 minutes. It all fit with the Burger King theme of 'Have it your way.' And it cost only between $40,000 and $50,000." (In case you are not aware, that is piddling for advertising money.
Does 'advertising' this way sound risky to you? "It never seems like a risk," said Mr. Hicks. "It seems like an obvious thing to do."
The agency also put all those funny quotes on the Burger King cups.
Well, participation and word-of-mouth are what it's all about these days. We love our polls, don't we?
You might be interested to know, in case you filter your blog, as I do, that comments on the Subservient Chicken site were filtered. "Every single comment," said Crispin Porter.
Another bit of common sense there. Open your blog and website wide and you get spammers, trashers, obscenity and advertisements from other people.
It's all about Emotional Intelligence. Read the full article here ..._
To increase your emotional intelligence, take The EQ Course. It's on the Internet, it's participatory and it's a product that has marketing embedded in it. Almost the first thing learners report to me is that their friends and relatives have "noticed a difference in them." Each student becomes a walking advertisement for emotional intelligence.
WE DO MARKETING (not advertising). Call 817-741-7223 for immediate attention to your Internet and traditional marketing needs.

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