Sunday, August 26, 2007

If you must leave a place that you loved

A poem today, for those of you who are leaving some place or something behind that was once dear to you ...

I have learned that if you must leave a place
That you have lived in and loved,
And where all of your yesterdays are buried deep -
Leave it any way except slow;
Leave it the fastest way you can.
Never turn back and believe that an hour you remember
Is a better hour because it is dead.
Past years seem safe ones, vanquished ones,
While the future lives in a cloud, formidable from a distance.
The cloud clears though, as you enter it.
I have learned this, but like everyone,
I learned it late.

Beryl Markham, 1902-1986

Keep movin'! If you'd like coaching on a 'move,' let me know.

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