Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Nearly half of US workers feel stress on the job

42 percent of U.S. workers feel stress, poll finds

That's nearly half of us. One thing that can bolster you against stress, and build your resilience, is developing your emotional intelligence. In facr Resilience is one of the emotional intelligence competencies.

From the article:

More than half say stress is causing physical, psychological and behavioral effects. About 32 percent say stress has prevented them from being recognized for their contribution at work and 27 percent say it has prevented them from being moved up in their organization.

We know that people with higher EQ tend to be more successful at work and in relationships. The good news is that it can be learned. You can take an assessment that will tell you your emotional intelligence levels . Then you can choose to work on the ones you are lower in.

Coaching is best way to increase your emotional intelligence. It is not something you can just read about in a book. It takes continual application, and feedback helps you learn the new skills.

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