Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Something surprising about the workplace

I remember writing an article about this a couple of years ago, and receiving responses from a lot of people questioning this concept.

This is one reason why emotional intelligence is so important to study and learn about.

In their Book, First, Break All The Rules: What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently, Buckingham and Coffman list twelve important questions to ask employees - or to ask yourself, an the employee - and one of them is: DO YOU HAVE A BEST FRIEND AT WORK?

So many people wrote me to question this, and were confused about it, like it wasn't a Good Thing - or perhaps even possible....??

When I think back on my own earlier work experiences as an employee, the jobs that do stand out as the most pleasurable, and also the most productive (and I would postulate that the two go together!) were when I did have a best friend at work.

I think it has to do with the office or corporate culture. Enjoying the people you work with is conducive to optimal performance. This is particularly important in today's Information Culture.

Tell me what you think about this!

And have you taken Buckingham's StrengthsFinder assessment. I think it's one of the best ones out there. Email me for information, and let me interpret the results for you. It's very helpful in honing in on what you are naturally best at.

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