Friday, March 13, 2009

The Elephant Whisperer

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lawrence_and_thula_sm.jpgIn today’s Good Stuff we pay tribute to an East Coaster who’s been dubbed the Elephant Whisperer. Zululander Lawrence Anthony is a conservationist whose dramatic rescue of the animals in the Baghdad Zoo during the onset of the invasion of Iraq in 2003, attracted him worldwide attention.

He’s also managed to successfully rehabilitate numerous problem elephants that noone else could handle - survive an attack by an enraged elephant bull, and has founded the international non profit society, The Earth Organisation.

It all began about ten years ago when Lawrence applied to take on some of the abused Tuli elephants. While they’d already been placed elsewhere, his application started the ball rolling - and he soon took on seven problem elephants.

“EMOA, the Elephant Managers and Owners Association, heard about my application and phoned me and said they had some other destitute elephants (and) would I be interested in taking them. They were problem elephants.
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