Friday, September 21, 2007

Emotional Intelligence a Soft Science? - Blog Network - Networking Now

What a great article this one is -- entitled NETWORKING A SOFT SCIENCE? ONLY TO COLLEGE PROFESSORS.

The author, Dr. Ivan Misner, talks about meeting with the President of a Southern California University along with his Dean for the School of Business, to discuss what the school could be doing better to teach students.

Dr. Misner's answer? "[S]tart teaching courses on networking, social capital and/or emotional intelligence.”

From the article:

I told him that “social capital (which is the study of resources developed through personal and professional relationships) and emotional intelligence (sometimes called EQ for emotional quotient) are key factors to the successful interaction of people with one another.”

I suggested that often people may get hired because of their “IQ” but they will get promoted because of their “EQ.” All of these subjects have a strong influence on someone’s success and there is a wealth of research being developed in each of those areas.

The President looked to his Dean for the School of Business and asked him what he thought. The Dean looked me squarely in the eyes and said, “my professors would never teach that material here!” I asked him “why” and he said, “it’s all soft science.”

Soft science! Teaching people how to interact with people in an effective way is “soft science!” I should not have been surprised. I’ve run into this many times before with college professors in the past. I was just amazed that this progressive university would take such a position.

Great stuff here.
Want to increase YOUR emotional intelligence? Email me at for information on my long-distance training program. Ideal for coaches, mentors, managers, human resources, therapists, doctors, lawyers ... anyone who wants to increase their "social capital." And who doesn't?

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