Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Emotional Intelligence - Meth biggest drug problem


Unbelievable. Chimp plays Ms. Pac Man. *

Notice how his teacher teaches him emotions there at the end - - showing him when and how to celebrate. Like your mother did (if she was a good one), she sticks her face in his and makes the right expressions and noises, shows him what to do with his arms, and keeps him totally engaged by eye contact. She is teaching him what humans do and what noises they make when they’re celebrating (just like your mom did).

If by chance you had a depressed mother, she would have taught you the sights and sounds of depression, and there may be some happiness links missing in the limbic brain. Depressed mothers do not look in their baby’s eyes or engage very often. When they do, there’s little limbic connection. The baby is raised more in emotional isolation, though may be well fed and cared for otherwise. There is mounting evidence this is one thing that proposes a person to addictions later in life. (Roughly speaking, happiness makes dopamine, and there are drugs that make dopamine.) If you get yourself around someone happy, watch Laurel & Hardy or something, it is possible you can add some of those links, as the brain remains malleable as to neuron formations throughout the lifespan - - IF it is given input.

* said today that meth is our biggest drug problem and it delivers a big load of dopamine …

Neurologists say now that “the brain = input.” Understand like any other new-brain-learning, this won’t be the comfort zone. That’s OK. Learning something totally new, for which there is no existing infrastructure is one of the best things you can do for yourself at midlife.
When he’s playing, he has the same look in his eyes I see on people’s faces, don’t you? (We love our computers!) Wish they’d shown his face when he lost or won. We know about their incredible dexterity. Much better than ours, isn’t it?


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