So here's how we do it.
WEIGHT LOSS TIP: DON'T GO HUNGRY, by guest writer Kathy Burns Millyard
If you're planning to work harder on losing weight in the new year, it will help tremendously if you can figure out how to avoid the most common problem: Hunger.
Many people make the mistake of starting a diet that restricts their food intake, or restricts certain kinds of foods. And many of these diet plans just make you hungry... and that makes weight loss even harder.
This may be hard for you to believe, but certain foods actually make you hungrier. If you can avoid these, you'll go a lot farther with reaching your weight loss goals and resolutions this year.
1. Sugar - Yes, it makes you hungrier. It's sly though... when you first down a can of sugary soda, or grab a doughnut on your way out the door, it seems to kill the hunger almost immediately. This happens though, because it spikes your blood sugar (glucose) levels. Within an hour or two of having that dose of sugar, your glucose levels start dropping drastically again and you start feeling ravenous again.
2. Simple Starches - Pasta, white bread, white rice, and other simple starches are just another form of sugar to your body. They spike your glucose levels quickly, then when your body starts crashing you find yourself hunting through the fridge or visiting the vending machines again.
3. Low Fat - This is one people don't like to hear... but I've tested it personally myself and with my family, plus I've researched it quite a bit. In short, keeping your fat intake too low will cause you to eat more, because it doesn't satiate you. If instead, you increase your fat intake even slightly - with "good" fats of course - you'll find yourself feeling full faster, and staying satiated longer. [Here we recommend you use Arbonne's NutriMin Fatty Acid Supplement. For me, it cuts out all craving for potato chips, mayonnaise and butter AND makes my hair shine!]
In addition to adding a little fat to your eating habits [and the Arbonne's NutriMin Fatty Acid Supplement], one other excellent resource for feeling full longer is fiber. Now, it's not easy to add more fiber to your diet - particularly if you eat from boxes, or use a lot of frozen or microwave meals. Even the "high fiber" cereals you find these days have just 2 or 3 grams of fiber per serving. That's definitely better than the high sugar cereals, but it's not enough. Try eating raw veggies and fruits, and try buying some of the specialized foods that have recently come on the market with additional fiber in them. Quaker Oatmeal for instance, recently released a version of their product which has 6 or 8 grams of fiber per serving, and there are a few other cereals out with as much as 10 grams of fiber per serving.
If you still need help getting additional fiber in your daily eating schedule, try a high quality fiber supplement like ProFibe [or Arbonne's Fiber supplement].
© 2005, Kathy Burns-Millyard - Kathy is a professional published writer who covers a variety of popular topics such as health, fitness, decorating, and gardening. Find more HREF="http://www.ScaleTippers.com">weight loss tips and resources
at ScaleTippers.com


The hardest part of the diet is the last 10 lbs., when you've been dieting for a while, and are close to your desired weight. Victor Holtreman did it in just 9 weeks, and in his ebook he tells you how.
"How to Lose the Last 10 Lbs." is an extremely helpful ebook written by someone who figured out how to do it and tells you how. ORDER WEIGHT LOSS EBOOK HERE, just $12.95.
What you'll find in "The Last 10 Pounds":
· Continual fat loss: How you can keep your body from adapting.
· Setting your goals. How do you figure out what's realistic?
· The best exercises to lose weight quickly.
· What kind of results to expect in what timeframe.
· Determining your baseline.
· You'll learn what to eat.
· You'll learn to determine how much to eat.
· How to lose fat and still enjoy your favorite foods.
· The absolutely critical thing that most people never do.
· How to keep yourself absolutely on track.
· What types of workouts you should be doing.
· How often to work out.
What you will not find:
· This is not a plan that crosses your favorite foods off your list forever.
· This does not involve the use of supplements to boost your metabolism.
· This is not a "lose 10 pounds (of water weight) in 2 days" diet.
· ...or any other kind of "lose fat while you sleep" or whatever else nonsense.
If you order, in addition to the eBook you will also receive the following:
--Access to a message board where I will answer your questions, help you with your progress, and where you can discuss the techniques in "The Last 10 Pounds" with others.
--A custom spreadsheet I've developed for tracking your overall weight and body fat loss progress with just two easy measurements done once a week.
--Links to cutting edge fitness resources on the web.
To guard your health during the process, order Arbonne supplements and Figure 8 HERE. It's crucial when dieting to make sure you take a good nutraceutical so you'll stay healthy, and DefenseBuilder for your immune system. It's just as important when you're not dieting because we no longer get the nutrition we need from our food.
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