Tuesday, October 30, 2007

IQ, EQ, Comments of James Watson

I'm going to lead you to a thoughtful article on the Internet, but first --
I'm into EQ (which can matter more than IQ). Let me begin by saying that there is no intelligence test on the face of the earth that isn't culturally biased. It is also a fact that people are "prejudiced." (The root is "pre judging.") It's how we get along in the world, assumptions -- this includes being "prejudiced" about being alone in dark alleys ... being prejudiced against any situation that might harm us.

It's human nature, and what keeps us alive. Sometimes it's true and it works. Sometimes, the opposite. Always consider your assumptions and check them out!

The great George Washington Carver said to be kind to all, because at some time in your life you will be all (rich, poor, old, young), and my slant on that is that at some time in life you will vface prejudice. In the workplace, you will be young for the job, or too old, according to someone's assessment of the situation. They will assume (if too young) that you can't handle responsiblity and stress and they will assume (if too old) that you can't learn quickly, and can't remember things. Neither of these might be true of you, the individual! This person doesn't like Arabs. This person doesn't like Arabs who are Sunis. People's assumptions about whatever group they put you in are learned, but they are deeply ingrained.

So, at some time in your life, you will encounter prejudice.

Ask anyone who just moved even if within the same state. The newcomer is always anathema for a while. We need to get to know one another, look the other person over, find out if its safe, and find out what they are truly like.

I have coached people in emotional intelligence all over the world and there is an instant connection at the emotional level.

This well-thought out article called "How Racism Affects [Effects?] IQ" begins with:

"Closing the education gap between races requires a critical look at early education and health care disparities -- not unfounded statements that black people are less intelligent," begins this thoughtful article.

In the middle, it reads:

That's why I never asked for help in school. I wrongly thought that asking for help amounted to an admission that black people were, in fact, inferior, as was periodically pronounced from the ivory towers of academia and other corners of the race-conscious IQ industry.

Fortunately, I was able to flip that negativity into motivation. But when I read about the remarks made recently by the esteemed biologist James Watson, I winced at the thought of how many black youngsters might continue to internalize the destructive but persistent message that they are inherently less intelligent. And I wonder if they too will turn that negativity into motivation.

And it ends with:

In the meantime, I've got to build up my three year-old son's EQ (emotional intelligence quotient) to counter the likelihood that his IQ will be questioned someday simply because of his skin color.

To red the full article, go here:
AlterNet: Rights and Liberties: How Racism Affects IQ
The writer gives examples that refute Watson's statement, but he also gives remedies.

Since you will likely be in some group about which there is prejudice at one time (or many times) in your life, why not build up your own emotional intelligence. Take THE EQ COURSE. If you're a parent, it's particularly important. You can't teach what you don't know.

Become an emotional intelligence coach. www.susandunn.cc/coachcertification.htm or email me for information - sdunn@susandunn.cc . Then you'll really know it -- and can pass it along. :-)

Email me for coaching! It's the most effective way to increase your EQ!

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