Friday, August 15, 2008

Emotional Intelligence is Strategic Thinking

Emotional Intelligence IS Strategic Thinking.

In today's mailbag, an ezine from H. Glenn Ebersole, Jr., Founder and Chief Executive of J. G. Ebersole Associates and The Renaussance Group
™, who is in my networking group.

Full of helpful information, Glenn entitles one article "Critical Skills Needed To Be A Strategic Thinking According to Your Strategic Thinking Business Coach." He defines strategic thinking as a process whereby you can arrive a good decision related to your work or personal life. "Strategic thinking," he writes, "involves developing an entire set of critical skills."

And what are those critical skills?

The first one he mentions is:

Critical Skill #1: They have the ability to use the left and right sides of their brain. This skill takes practice as well as confidence. Developing the logic and creative sides of your brain are tremendously valuable.

This is precisely the value of taking THE EQ COURSE and the coaching that goes along with it. Full of neuroscience (about the brain), it shows you how to develop your analytical thinking and then go beyond it to WHOLE BRAINED thinking or BALANCED BRAIN THINKING.

This allows you to zone in on the sort of thinking we call "gut feeling," where, if you're in business (or relationships), resides the best judgment, truest perceptions, and sounded decisions. Gut feeling, or intuition, highly developed (which you can learn through EQ) is why two financial advisers can read the same "fundamentals," (left brain, analytical) and one make a 20 bagger, and the other pick a stock that tanks.

TAKE THE EQ COURSE ONLINE WITH EMAIL AND PHONE CONSULTATION, OR COME TO DALLAS FOR A DYNAMIC AND LIFE-CHANGING 1 1/2 DAY SEMINAR. eMail me at for more information. Seminars are held monthly and can be arranged to meet your schedule.

STRATEGIC THINKING is essential for what you want to accomplish in your life. One of my top 5 strengths on the Strengths Finder is STRATEGIC. I can help you come up with the strategy AND I can teach you how the parts of your brain work, and how to get them working TOGETHER, for synergy. This is particularly important for men, where the communication between the right and left hemispheres of the neocortex is weaker and needs to be developed.

Contact me at for immediate assistance.

We train in Dallas in state-of-the-art facilities, strategically loved just 20 mins from DFW. All seminars led by Susan Dunn, M.A., Clinical Psychology, and founding member of Coachville.

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